Bernard Shaw 1914-1918: Journey to Heartbreak



Bernard Shaw 1914-1918: Journey to Heartbreak


Bernard Shaw: 1914 - 1918
Journey to Heartbreak
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973

p. 81

At Christmas London shops were full, and Christmas trees were plentiful at Covent Garden. Stocks of food were high, and rationing not even in the planning stages. French wines still were being shipped across the Channel, and an advertisement appeared in the daily papers that "thanks to the iron grip of the British and French Fleets on the High Seas, Perrier water is being shipped safely via Marseilles as usual...." At the Duke of York´s, Peter Pan was in its eleventh year....On the streets people sang and whistled "Sister Susie´s sewing shirts for the soldiers,"....


“Bernard Shaw 1914-1918: Journey to Heartbreak,” WCU Libraries Online Exhibits, accessed May 14, 2024,

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